Untitled, 2009

40 × 30 × 2 cm (H/W/D)
1,3 kg
Paper and Pigmented ink
This artwork is available until 05.07.2028.
Thomas Monses
lives in Berlin, Germany
pigment liner on rice paper. mounted in a bamboo frame with anti reflection coated glass.
pigment liner auf reispapier. in bambus rahmen mit entspiegeltem glas.

This artwork will be shown at the Pop-up Gallery from june 5th - june 14th
Torstraße 170, 10115 Berlin.
This artist is currently on tour. Delivery of their artwork can be significantly delayed. In order to prevent any misunderstandings or frustrations, you should contact the artist prior to any purchase. You need an account on port-of-art.com in order to access the artists contact page.
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325,00 €
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